
Plant Profile Dollarweed

Dollarweed is a summer perennial weed better known as Pennywort.The Pennywort bears a small white flower with five petals on the end of a long stem where the flowers form in clusters. Pennywort grows along the Atlantic coastline from Maine…
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What are Tusk Shells

Scaphopods are a small class of molluscs with shells shaped like elephant tusks, which gives them their common name of tusk shells. The name scaphopod means shovel-foot but it is actually their ‘head’ that they use for burrowing through the…
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What are Nemerteans

Nemerteans or ribbon worms are small, flat, acoelomate worms related to flatworms. They are abundant in the littoral zone of temperate oceans where they make tubes in mud and sand or crawl among the rocks and seaweeds. There are about…
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Bunchberry Puddingberry

The bunchberry (cornus canadensis or chamaepericlymenum canadense) is a small, shade-loving deciduous plant that grows near the Pacific coast of North America. It is also known as dwarf dogwood, puddingberry, pigeonberry, dwarf cornel and crackerberry. The pigeonberry name comes from…
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What is Seagrass

Seagrass and importance Seagrasses are angiosperms and perform a wide spectrum of biological, physical, ecological, social and commercial functions in the marine environment.  Seagrass ecosystems play an important role in nutrient cycling and in the food web. Seagrass ecosystems provide…
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Glacier Lily

Glacier Lilies are a wild flower. They are native to north America and grown mainly from California to Alberta and over to New Mexico.They are usually found slopes, in clearings and mountain meadows. They grow in the sub-alpine zone. That…
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Edible Flowers

Roadside treasure:  Drive along a country lane in the north east at any time in late spring or early summer and chances are you will see them paralleling the thoroughfare, stretching into the roadway for that extra nurturing sunbeam. They…
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Black Eyed Susans

The black-eyed susan is probably the most common wildflower in North America. It is an annual or perennial and is native to the eastern United States. This brightly colored flower has a raised domed brown center and beautiful yellow florets or…
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