What is Amphioxus
Amphioxus is a strange little beast. It’s a kind of worm and, in fact, my favorite worm. It is built on a plan that is upside down to most other worms and this gives it a special place in taxonomy…
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Amphioxus is a strange little beast. It’s a kind of worm and, in fact, my favorite worm. It is built on a plan that is upside down to most other worms and this gives it a special place in taxonomy…
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Arrow worms are small, planktonic, marine predators. They are slender, transparent and just a few centimeters long. There are over a hundred species, mostly found in warm, shallow seas but also occuring in polar regions. They are most common in…
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Earwigs (Dermaptera) are one of the more common insect groups that can be found in most locations globally. Most species range in size from between 10mm and 80mm in the case of one species in particular. There are known to…
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Plant profiles: Coral Bean Coral Beans are a member of the Legume family and are also known as the Cherokee Bean. Native to Texas and Mexico, they will survive in colder climates. In most areas, the branches die back in…
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The product of a mating between a rabbit and cat is called “a cabbit”.Cabbits feature the loving, affectionate personality of a cat with the typical anatomical features of a rabbit. If you are wondering where you could purchase such an…
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Tapeworms are flatworms that are totally adapted for a life of parasitism. They look as if they are segmented but it is not true segmentation such as that found in the annelids. Instead tapeworms are included in the Phylum Platyhelminthes,…
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There are a number of old sayings and folklore associated with identifying mushrooms. Some people believe that all mushrooms are edible and that only toadstools are poisonous. Some believe that if you put a silver spoon into a pot of…
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Seagrasses are underwater flowering plants that are commonly found in Florida’s bays, lagoons and other shallow coastal waters. Seagrass can be found in small patches and eventually spread to cover large areas over time. These larger areas are called meadows. …
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Increasing urbanization and demand for agricultural lands has led to the rapid disappearance of native habitats. Many areas are designating areas to preserve and protect native habitats in orter to protect native plant and animal species. Non-native plants are the…
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Poison Ivy may look like a harmless plant, but it can cause contact dermatitis just by touching it. Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction to something that you have touched which, in the case of poison ivy, is a resin…
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