
Diverse Types of Rna

DNA is often referred to as the “Blueprints of Life”. If we expand on this analogy, it would be quite reasonable to say that RNA is the construction crew. Just like the construction crew for a house would be varied,…
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Fatty Acids

Fatty acids may sound harmful and toxic to the human body but in all reality they are actually required to maintain healthy levels of liquid in blood. Fatty acids are produced when fats from food are broken down. Fatty acids…
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Do Homeopathic Remedies Work

In the simplest sense, homoeopathic remedies are unscientific because there is no evidence from well designed, controlled clinical trials that homoeopathic remedies perform better than placebo. They cannot thus be regarded as evidence-based treatments. Moreover, homoeopathic remedies are unscientific because…
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Function of Cellulose in Plants

Cellulose is an organic compound essential to plants. Cellulose is a non-branched polysaccharide, meaning the compound is a linear, chemically bound chain of sugar molecules, more exactly beta-glucose, and a constitutional form of glucose. The chemical sum formula is (C6…
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Enzymes and Metabolism

Metabolism, the totality of all the chemical reactions that occur in an organism, is a complex tapestry of chemical change woven together by the action of enzymes.  In organisms, chemical reactions require an initial input of energy called the energy…
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Enzymes and their Functions

Enzymes are organic catalysts which are protein in nature. They are found in all living things and produced in all living cells. As catalysts, they speed up or reduce the rate of chemical reactions in the body without being used…
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