
A look Aat Microbial Physiology

Microbial physiology is the study of the function and biology of microbes. All physiology is the study of living organisms and their parts, so the microbial variation investigates the relationship of structure and function in microorganisms like bacteria. The metabolism…
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Life Cycle of Trichinella Spiralis

Trichinella spiralis, a nematode parasite, is the cause of the disease trichinosis, known to be found in undercooked pork products. Trichinella are the smallest known parasites to infect humans and have a strange life cycle. Small adult worms mature within…
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British Crabs

Crabs are very familiar denizens of any coastal area. Some form the basis for very important food fisheries, while others are notorious for invading the homes of less robust species, while others still are quiet occupants of the shore, neither…
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Protozoa Transmitted by Ticks

Theileria is a genus of protozoan parasites (family Theileriidae, suborder Piroplasmorina) transmitted by ticks. Several species cause theileriosis in ruminants by multiplying in the white blood cells, causing tumor-like growth, and then invading the red blood cells. The Wellcome Trust…
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Life Cycle of the Schistosoma Parasite

Schistosoma is a nematode parasite responsible for causing the disease Schistosomiasis or ‘bilharzia’ in humans. Although most infections settle without any complications, and sometimes without any significant symptoms, some may develop life threatening events. Although the disease causing Schistosoma worms…
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