
How Fungus Migrates

How do fungi get to where they need to go? Fungi, according to, get to various host sites in a number of ways. Most of these dispersal mechanisms are as yet unknown but there is speculative ongoing experimentation. Fungi…
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A look at bacteriology The current science of bacteriology includes the study of prokaryotic cells. Bacteria are a group of single-cell microorganisms with a prokaryotic’ cellular structure, which primarily refers to its genetic material and the fact that it is…
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A look at Bacteriology

Bacteriology is the subdivision of microbiology that deals with the identification, classification, and characterization of bacteria. It also finds ways to make efficient use of bacteria in industry and medicine, to fight bacteria that are dangerous to human life or…
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What are Saprophytes

I thought that this would be a simple question to answer but I soon got bogged down in definitions. A saprophyte is a kind of decomposer isn’t it? It turns out that the answer is anything but simple. Saprophytes are…
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History of Microbiology

Although the actual study of microbiology did not officially begin until the mid 1800’s people, unofficially, recognized that some small entity caused diseases and acted accordingly. Microbiology in Ancient Times People living in ancient times recognized the diseases were spread…
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