
The Diet of Polar Bears

Polar bears are one of the most majestic creatures on Earth.  They can get up to fifteen feet tall (a large male bear) and weigh over two thousand pounds. Their enormous bulk is caused by the fat that is necessary…
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What are even Toed Ruminants

The Artiodactyla are also known as the even toed ungulates because they are grazers (ungulates) and they have either two or four toes, which distinguishes them from the Perissodactyls which have either one toe (horses) or three (rhinos).  The Artiodactyla…
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Flat Worm Parsites

The flat worms are named the Platyhelminths, and come in two main types, the monogenea (flukes), or the tapeworm (cestode). These two types of flat worm parasites are similar in some ways, but also have their differences. The monogenea are…
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The Diet and Behavior of Koalas

The Koala, one of Australia’s icons is the only mammal, other than the Greater Glider and the Ringtail Possum, which can survive on a diet of eucalyptus leaves (gum leaves). Koalas are persnickety eaters with solid preferences for different types…
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How Fish Sleep

How do fish sleep? Sleep is defined by Merriam-Webster’s* as “the natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored” and “a state of torpid inactivity.” Looking at sleep in this way, rather than saying…
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