
What are Chordates

Chordates are animals that have a dorsal nerve chord. The largest subgroup in the Phylum Chordata is the Vertebrata, those chordates that encase their nerve chord or spinal chord in hard bony vetebrae. The smaller subgroups in the phylum are…
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What is Ornithology

Ornithology is the literally the study of birds. It is a true science of course but it is also a way of life for many amateur bird watchers. Most ornithologists started out as bird watchers. A few lucky ones get…
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Polar Bears Cold

Polar bears live in some of the coldest temperatures in the world and swim in icy, glacier-filled waters. To deal with these extreme temperatures, they have developed many ways of dealing with the extreme cold. In fact, they are almost…
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How Spiders Eat

Like all animals and humans, spiders have to eat to survive.  Spiders are considered carnivorous with one exception, the Bagheera Kiplingi spider, which is a type of jumping spider that is omnivorous, but mainly feeds on plant life.  Because spiders…
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