
Insects and us

Although they exist in enormous numbers and variety everywhere in the world, taking on incredible forms and colors, insects serve humankind by accident, not by intention. But serve us exceedingly well they do. Insects are an essential part of building…
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Bird Orders Passerines

There are a great variety of birds that live throughout the world. There are large birds such as ostriches, rheas, and flamingoes. There are also tiny birds such as warblers, hummingbirds and finches. Some birds are brightly colored like parrots…
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Pig Behavior

Understanding pig behavior is certainly a lot easier than understanding human behavior. There are a lot of myths about pigs, ranging from their supposed lack of intelligence (not true) to the belief that they are filthy creatures (also not true)….
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The Diet of Moles

There are around 20 different species of moles, most commonly found in Europe (but not Ireland), Asia, South Africa, North America and Canada The common garden mole needs a lot of food to survive and spends up to half of…
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History of Pre Darwin Zoology

Zoology is the biological discipline that involves the study of animals. There is an important historical difference between zoology in the pre-Darwinian age before Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species, and post-Darwinian times where Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution…
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