

Millions of years gone by, and these pesky critters are still with us, alive and well. As anyone who has asked the question, “what are they here for?” there just might not be a definitive answer that would satisfy our…
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Fear Response in Animals

The fight or flight response in animals, it could also be called the fright complex because that is what triggers it.  People hear about it all their lives, but often still do not really understand what it involves.  What exactly…
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Honey Bees

How does honey come about? I live in a small little town where it is quite normal for me to pass a whole slew of beehives. How better to get fresh honey than to have your own bees? I used…
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Adelie Penguin

The Adelie penguin (scientific name: Pygoscelis adeliae) is one of the species of penguins that are native to Antarctica. It is the bird that breeds the farthest south and therefore in the coldest temperatures. Ross Islands has the main colony…
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Guide to the Branches of Zoology

Zoology is the biological discipline that involves the study of animals. There are several different branches of the discipline that focus on particular types of animal or else on aspects of the functioning or behaviour of the particular animal species…
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