
Cytoskeleton of Living Cells

The cytoskeleton is a network of protein fibers that acts as a kind of scaffolding, giving shape and protection to both prokaryotic and eukaryotic biological cells. However this minute network does much more than keep the cell in its proper…
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Basic Cytoskeleton Proteins

Cytoskeletal proteins make up the cytoskeleton of a cell, which is the basic structural framework providing the cell a shape and providing internal transport pathways, aiding in cell division, and performing functional tasks, such as motion. The cytoskeleton is traditionally…
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Membrane Protein Functions

Biological membranes encircle eukaryotic cells and their components, or organelles. Membranes allow selective permeability to the cell or organelle, and prevent spontaneous diffusion of water and other molecules. Thanks to the surrounding membrane, idyllic conditions, such as pH and ionic…
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Protein Synthesis

In the early years of the twentieth century, researchers began to realize a connection between genes and proteins. This groundbreaking realization of George Beadle and Edward Tatum (Campbell, 2005) came years before the knowledge needed to understand the nuts and…
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Mutations Cancer

Mutations have worked hard over the last few millennia to turn us from bacteria into complex sentient life forms capable of writing on a world-wide electronic net. The basics. And for all that hard work they usually only get press…
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