
Cell Biology Explored

Cells are the smallest of living matter. They were discovered by Robert Hooke (1635-1703) who was a curious individual that wore many hats. As he was looking through a microscope at a piece of cork wood, he saw what reminded…
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Evolution and how it Affects us

Evidence of evolution is in the genetic blood disorders which fight malaria. These disorders are aspects of evolution which are both terrible disorders and protective mechanisms.  Malaria is historically one of the biggest killer of humans in the history of our…
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Why Bears Hibernate

In order to understand why bears hibernate, it is first important to understand what hibernation is. In addition, it does need to be pointed out that bears don’t truly hibernate. Rather they fall into a deep sleep that can last…
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Why do Animals Hibernate in Winter

In spring, summer, and autumn, the woodlands, pastures, gardens and parks are brimming with life. You can hear it all around you, birds singing, and insects buzzing and other animals and creatures scurrying to and fro, going about their daily lives….
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How Climate Change Affects Penguins

With the release of March of the Penguins and Happy Feet, two enormously popular movies featuring penguins, millions of viewers fell in love with these adorable, plucky, flightless birds. Looking like odd little cartoon characters in formal attire, these aquatic…
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Habitat of the Arctic Fox

The Arctic Fox is native to cold Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere including Greenland, Iceland, Russia, Canada, Alaska and Scandinavia – All the lands of the circumpolar Arctic and all three tundra biomes: Arctic tundra, Antarctic tundra and alpine…
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Bengal Tiger Diet

Bengal tigers are magnificent creatures and many are found living in the Sundarban mangrove forests, which are located in the Eastern region of Bangladesh and India. Being carnivores, the Sundarban forest is a perfect hunting ground for the Bengal tiger,…
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Functions of Phospholipids

Phospholipids can be classified according to several schemes; however, I find it useful to think of them in terms of structural and functional categories. Structural phospholipids comprise the majority of lipid bilayers found in eukaryotic cell membranes and organelles as well as internal membrane systems, including…
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