
Human Evolution – Devolving

Are we evolving or devolving? Both answers are partially correct. We are evolving in general science and culture, but still devolving in a social way. I say this because when the world was filling with monarchy it was normal that…
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The Legacy of Lamarck

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744 – 1829) died 30 years before Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species was published. He made considerable contributions to biology and conchology, but no one paid much attention to his passing. His ultimate fame rests on his ideas…
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The Evolution of Lemurs

Lemurs are a group of early primates that survive only on the island of Madagascar and nearby Comoros islands. Lemurs are often said to be a primitive form of primate but I prefer the term early because it means they…
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What are Tree Shrews

The Scandentia are a small order of mammals once grouped with the Insectivora. Their common name is tree-shrew but they are not really shrews and many of them do not live in trees. The scandentid tree-shrews were found to be…
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What are the Protura

The protura are primitive insects. They are so small that most people have never seen them and the only common name for the group is conehead because of the shape of their heads. They weren’t even recognised and described by…
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What are the Xenarthra

The continents of North and South America have been isolated for hundreds of millions of years at a time and this has allowed the evolution of some very strange and unique plants and animals. Among the strangest are the animals…
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