
What are Boogers Made of

Perhaps you consider yourself refined. You are well dressed and a model of perfect personal hygiene. Yet, no matter how hard humans try to be civilized, there is no getting around the fact that some aspects of our body, and…
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Best Microscopes for Kids

Microscopes are great educational toys that allow children to explore the world while having fun developing their science skills. But there are several types of scopes, with varying levels of quality and cost, each suited to a different need. Here’s…
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Caribbean Night Sounds

Shriek-Shriek, Briiinng, Squawk, Cochi-Cochi, Knock-Knock-Knock-Knock. “Honey I’m going to call the manager, I can’t take the noise from the fans, air conditioner and the water pipes” “But I turned off the fan and the air conditioner to enjoy the night,…
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Evolution Natural Selection – No

The problem here is the question. Evolution has two meanings in our current society: Evolution natural selection, and Evolution theory of “molecules to man” (to steal a phrase from Ken Ham). People use both interchangeably without really understanding the fundamental…
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Evolution Outdated

Of course evolution is not an outdated theory! We continuously get more and more confirmation of the validity of the hypothesis that all life on Earth shares a common ancestor. Evolution is supported by evidence from the sciences of genetics,…
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Evolution Fact and Theory

If you read the answers people give to the question of what flaws are present in the theory of evolution, those answers generally reflect perceived flaws in the fact of evolution instead. Evolution, after all, is both a fact as…
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