
Lysogenic Replication of Virus

Bacteriophages are a type of virus that prey upon bacterial cells. The reproduction of bacteriophages always involves death of the infected bacterium, when the viruses burst out or lyse their prokaryotic host cell. Bacteriophages reproduce by commandeering a bacterium and…
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Mannitol Salt Agar

When bacterial cultures are grown in a laboratory environment, they are essentially captives, part of a microbial zoo dependent on people to provide the proper environment for their survival and growth. A nutrient-rich media is required to grow bacteria in…
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Difference Viruses Viroids Prions

Infectious disease can result of cellular organisms, such as bacteria (prokaryotes), from eukaryotes (cells like ours) or from nonliving infectious agents such as viruses, virioids and prions. Here is a summery of the different types of acellular, nonliving infectious agents….
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How did Multicellular Life Evolve

No one is yet certain how multicellular life evolved. There are three prominent theories about how it happened, with one a strong favorite among scientists. Symbiosis Throughout the world, many organisms live in symbiosis. Symbiosis is an association of two…
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What is Cell Deferentiation

What is cell differentiation? At conception human cells are produced and begin to divide. These cells contain all the genes that the body needs to grow, develop, and carry out the different functions of the body. The process in which…
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