
Rarest Eye Colors

As soon as you meet someone for the first time, consciously or not you take a mental inventory of their physical attributes. While what we notice first differs depending on the angel and distance from which a person is viewed,…
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Why do Fish have Gills

All animals respire which means that they use oxygen in the process of extracting energy from their foodstuffs, and produce carbon dioxide as a waste product. Mammals have lungs which provide a huge surface area for air to come into…
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Why do Fish have Scales

Everyone knows that some fish have scales. But why? What purpose do the scales serve for the fish? Most scientists believe the primary purpose of scales is to give the fish external protection. Scales come in several types and many…
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Starfish Starfish Brains

Starfish are marine invertebrates common throughout the world’s oceans.  There are nearly 2,000 known species and no doubt, as with practically all forms of marine life ( in particular the smaller ones), there are almost certainly many others as yet…
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Types of Plankton

Plankton, it is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as “the usually microscopic animal and plant life found floating or drifting in the ocean or in bodies of fresh water, used as food by nearly all aquatic animals”.  Why does it say…
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Fish Facts Fish that Walk

Fish that Walk You’ve probably always thought that fish just behave themselves and use their fins to swim in order to get from place to place. Well, most fish do just that. However, when our wonderful Creator created fish on…
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