
Largest Snake

What was 50’ feet long, a yard thick through the mid section, and weighed well over one and a quarter tons? One might be inclined to think of a long tailed, long necked dinosaur, or perhaps a shark or crocodilian,…
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Why Camels have Humps

Camels are immediately identified and recognized by the humps they carry on their backs, since its only camels that have them, but why do camels have humps in the first place and what’s in them? It’s often a widely circulated…
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File Snake Habitats and Habits

The file snake also known as the wart snake belongs to a unique aquatic Acrochordidae family consisting of three species. The Acrochordidae are small snakes 20 – 76 inches long with a blunt head with rough spiny scales. They are found…
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Childrens Books with Penguins

Penguins never fail to amuse both adults and children, but it’s often children who are truly overjoyed by seeing these flightless birds. One great way to get children interested in reading is through some excellent children’s books featuring penguins. Since…
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Bird Profiles Chimney Swift

The chimney swift may be an example of a species that benefits from human development. Prior to human habitation of the U.S. the species made its home in caves and tree hollows, but with the invention of the chimney the birds found…
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Bird Profiles Marsh Hawk

The northern harrier is scientifically known as circus cyaneus but is also known colloquially as the Marsh hawk. It is a medium-sized hawk, native to North and South America, which receives its common name from its habit of being found in marsh land areas….
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