
What are Barnacles

Barnacles are so strange that they were misidentified as molluscs by taxonomists until 1830. After all, they had a shell and live a sessile life, so surely they were related to snails and clams? Their larvae finally gave them away….
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What are the Strangest Plants

Plants are a kingdom of Eukaryotes (have cells divided by internal membranes and linear chromosomes). Fungi are a different kingdom, neither animals nor plants. Algae are no longer considered to be plants. Bacteria, including cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), aren’t even Eukaryotes….
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Uses for Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Molecular dynamics uses approximations of known laws of physics to simulate the motion of atoms and macromolecules. The technique has been used to probe the function and action of many biological molecules, allowing researchers to test hypotheses to an unprecedented…
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