

A plant seed comes about as the result of pollination in which 2 gametes from same (self pollination) or different plants (cross pollination) unite to create a zygote. The zygote develops within the ovary to become an embryo – the beginnings of…
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Trees of Australia Sheoak

The sheoak (she-oak) is endemic to Australia.  Sheoaks are actually flowering plants and belong to the genus Allocasuarina  and the family Casuarinaceae.  The sheoak may also be called the ironwood, bull-oak (buloke) or beefwood. The species Allocasuarina luehmannii gives its…
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Anatomy of a Plant Seed

Inside each seed there is an embryonic plant. A seed contains the next generation of the plant it comes from and, as such, the plant goes to great lengths to ensure the survival of the seed. Every seed is different and…
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Marri Trees

The Marri tree is one of the most common of the eucalypts found in the south-west forests of Western Australia (WA). It is not found outside of the south west corner of WA. The marri was formerly referred to as…
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Xylem Explained

Xylem consists of long, dead cells and is part of the vascular tissue of a plant (the other components being phloem and cambium (cambium only in dicotyledons). Like our veins, xylem carries the life blood of a plant- water.  Water…
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Trees of Australia Christmas Tree

Nuytsia floribunda (Western Australian Christmas tree or simply Christmas tree) is a root hemi-parasite.  It is named in honour of Pieter Nuyts who was a 17th century Dutch explorer and colonial official. It belongs to the family Loranthaceae, the mistletoes….
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Trees of Australia Snottygobble

The quaintly named Snottygobble is one of 90 species of Persoonia. Four of these species occur in the south-west of Western Australia (WA). It is a key component of the mid-storey level of WA’s jarrah forests. The snottygobble grows well…
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