
Woudrous Woody Nightshade Plants

Woody Nightshade (Solanum dulcamara), is also known by the names Bittersweet nightshade, deadly nightshade, climbing nightshade. Pleasant berry, woody nightshade, bitter nightshade, scarlet berry, fellenwort, poison bittersweet, dulcamara, blue nightshade, European bittersweet, dwale, fever twig, morel, poison berry, poison flower,…
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Wonderful Wood Anemone

Wood Anemone (Anemone quinquefolia) is a flowering member of the 150 species of  Ranunculaceae of the Buttercup family.  Sometimes called Crowfoot, Windflower or Smell Fox, it thrives in shady woodland areas.  It can be planted up very close to other types of…
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Chamerion Angustifolium

The bright pink spikes of rosebay willowherb are a common sight on roadsides and waste ground from June to September.  Its alternative name of Fireweed derives from its ability to very quickly colonise ground that has been burnt.  It quickly…
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Plant Profiles Mugwort

Everyone’s heard of mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris) at some point usually mentioned in movies when a fairy tale type Witch is brewing her potions, or mentioned in passing as something needing to be picked from the garden. Or maybe you’ve heard…
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Wondrous Larkspur

Larkspur (Delphinium consolida) belongs to the buttercup family of Ranunculaceae perennials.  Also called Lark’s Heel. Lark’s Toe. Lark’s Claw. Knight’s Spur.  The name Delphinium, from Delphin (dolphin), was given to this genus because the buds resemble a dolphin.  The name Consolida refers…
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What are Prokaryotes

Prokaryotes are simply organisms that lack any membrane bound organelles in their cellular structure. They are contrasted to eukaryotes, which feature a true nucleus and membrane bound organelles. It is split into two primary domains: bacteria and archaea. They are…
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Fungal Symbionts Parasites and Mutualists

Introduction Fungi are important components of many model systems in evolutionary ecology. Some members of all four phyla of Eumycota have the capacity to form symbiotic associations with diverse and often phylogenetically distant organisms. These relationships span the continuum of…
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Rosebay Willowherb

From June to September, the countryside is patterned with swathes of pink courtesy of the plant Rosebay willowherb or Fireweed as it is also known, with flowers over a metre high, this striking plant is native throughout the temperate Northern…
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