
Penguins in Pop Culture

Could it be their waddling gait and the way they stand up on two feet like humans, or perhaps their rather smart tuxedo-like appearance that endears them to so many? Whatever the reasons for their fascinating appeal, penguins are cute-inducing…
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The Habitat of Barred Owls

The native habitat of barred owls is vast; these hardy birds range from southeastern Alaska south to Honduras and El Salvador. Non-descript in appearance, both males and females share a buff-white upper body with dark brown barring and vertical streaking of…
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The Habitat of Burrowing Owls

Many times the common name of an animal or bird reflects a distinguishing characteristic of that creature. That is the case with the burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia). The owl shelters itself and its young in holes in the ground dug…
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What Barred Owls Eat

Barred owls are a common owl, also known by the names of rain owl, wood owl, eight hooter, or the hoot owl. The reason behind its main name as the barred owl comes from the brown and white bars lined across…
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Owl Profiles Western Screech Owl

The Western Screech Owl (Megascopts kennicottii), is a small owl native to the United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua.  It has been known as Kennicott’s Screech Owl, Vinaceous Screech Owl, Guadeloupe Screech Owl, California…
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