
Why the Paddlefish is Endangered

The paddlefish is a species that used to be abundant in both China and the midwestern United States. There are two subspecies of paddlefish, the American and Chinese paddlefish, and both are listed as endangered and quickly approaching extinction. If…
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What Scorpions Eat

They crawl in the night, stinger held high, poised and ready to strike. Their pincers threatening attack, while their animal instincts size up the unwilling target. The scorpion is a mysterious creature. Often featured in horror movies and shiver-inducing dare…
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Where the Barred Owls Lives

The Barred Owl is a mid-sized owl without ear tufts. These owls have mottled brown and gray feathers and large brown eyes. The Barred Owl gets its name from the horizontal bars on the breast and vertical bars on the belly….
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Common Insects at Summer Picnics

Summer picnics. The horseshoe games, family, great smelling barbeque, watermelon, apple pie. And ants. Other unwanted guest can include yellow jackets, and picnic beetles, and flies, and mosquitoes. Summer picnics aren’t just a time for family and friends, there also…
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The Habitat of the Muskrat

The common muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus (commonly known by its Abenaki native name musquah), is a fairly large rodent and is a native species to North America. It is found in marshes, quiet streams and ponds. They are found in most areas…
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