
Common Myths about Mushrooms

Some common myths about mushrooms include identification, especially if they are poisonous. Many people believe that all white mushrooms are safe to eat, but this is a myth. One hazardous white mushroom that is poisonous is called the “destroying angel.”…
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Anatomy of a Flower

Many flowering plants produce showy, flamboyant blooms; even more so when the plant is created by a horticulturist rather than by Mother Nature. The feature typically accentuated in showy flowers is the number of petals. But flowers are much more…
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How to Teach Children about Plants

Children are naturally curious and they love getting their hands on things – especially , it seems, things which involve mud and muck. Ask any keen gardener, horitculturalist, botanist or garden designer when their interest started and many of the…
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Oconee Bell the Lost Plant

Oconee bells are a rare plant that lives in the Southern Applachians. It is a member of the family Dispensiaceae. The scientific classification for this plant is Shortia galacifolia. It is sometimes called Acony Bell or The Lost Shortia. An…
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