
Plant Profile Asian Ginseng

Plant Profile – Asian Ginseng Panax ginseng, commonly called Asian ginseng, is a perennial herb indigenous to parts of Asia and grown commercially in China and Korea. It is a slow growing plant, reaching a maximum height of only 32…
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When you think of the desert southwest, you probably picture a tall, stately cactus with branches looking like arms, silhouetted by the sunset. This is the giant saguaro. Saguaros are native to parts of the Sonoran desert, in an area…
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What is Red Cherry

Red cherries, especially the ‘tart’ variety is a superfruit, high in photochemical known as anthocyanins and in common with other fruits and vegetables red in colour, it has been shown to be of benefit to individuals who suffer from rheumatoid…
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Tree Profiles Cook Pine

The Cook Pine (Araucaria columnaris) is native to Cook Island, which is a small island to the northeast of Australia. It is sometimes called the New Calcedonian Pine or the Coral Reef Araucaria. Since its discovery it has been introduced…
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Showy Ladys Slipper Plant Profile

The Showy Lady’s slipper is sometimes known as the Queen’s Lady’s slipper or the Pink and White Lady’s slipper. The scientific classification is Cypripedium reginae. The Lady’s slipper orchid is native to northern North America. This orchid is very rare and probably always has…
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Trees of Australia Woody Pear

The woody pear belongs to the genus Xylomelum. There are five species in Xylomelum, two in south-west Western Australia and three in New South Wales and Queensland. All species are known by the common name of ‘woody pear’ after their…
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