
How Spiders Catch their Prey

How spiders catch their prey Spiders use a multitude of techniques to capture prey. Most people will be aware of web building spiders and hunting spiders, but there other techniques spiders use which include ambushing and even fishing. Web Building…
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Overview of the Firefly

Outside is the summer night is getting dark. What are those twinkles in the yard? They are fireflies. With their twinkles, they communicate to one another. The males zigzag in their flight. The females wait on the grass or a…
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The Study of Acarology

Acarology is the scientific study of a particular sub family of arachnids that contains mites and ticks. It is not a very often publicized area of study, and there are very few scientists who study it compared to most other…
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Insects and their Importance

Imagine a world filled with rotting meat, a world with few flowers, vegetables or fruit, a world which falls silent, stinks and is full of decay. This would be our world without insects. Flowers of any size are made are…
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What is Asexual Reproduction

Every organism is born with a blueprint set of instructions called DNA. These instructions will set the events in motion for an organism to grow, develop and eventually reproduce. Unlike humans, other species have no control over how and when…
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How Spiders Catch their Prey

Predators use a diverse array of strategies to capture prey. One strategy is the using a trap, such as spiders do. So the casual question presented for this article was: What causes specific prey-capture strategies in sympatric web-building spiders? There…
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The History of the Microscope

While the ordinary microscope will to some extent remain a novelty for many students, I think that probably most children who have expressed an interest in science have at some time in their young lives been at the receiving end…
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