
Penguins in Pop Culture

Penguins fascinate people because, no matter the species, they always look like they are wearing tight tuxedos because of their appearance and waddling walk. People also find their feeding and mating habits interesting. Their cuteness alone have made them the…
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Dolphins and Intelligence

“The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.” ~ Anonymous What is it about these intelligent creatures that is so endearing? Why do they always seem to smile? Read on for some insight into an amazing…
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Penguins in Pop Culture

Penguins have been trending over the past decade, and much of their popularity can be attributed to the film industry, and marketing executives with a keen business sense. Many of these popular penguin films have hatched other hot commodities such…
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The Characteristics of Hymenoptera

The insect order Hymenoptera is one of the largest orders of insects and includes some of the most familiar types of insects known. The insects that belong to this order include bees, wasps, ants, and sawflies. There are over 100,000 different species…
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Discovery of Giant Squid

Architeuthis sp- The giant squid, ingrained into folklore by Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, has terrorized the seafaring communities of Ancient Civilizations for centuries. Once a terrifying demon, the dreaded Kraken of legend has now been absolutely confirmed of…
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The best Books about Penguins

For those interested in penguins, you probably have watched numerous TV shows and documentaries on these creatures. However, there are plenty of books that you might want to read in regards to penguins. So far, there are many books that…
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