
Facts about the Kipunji Monkey

The Kipunji (Rungwecebus kipunji) is an extremely endangered species of African monkey. The species was independently discovered by two separate research teams in 2003 and then again in 2004, making it the first new monkey discovered in Africa in 20…
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Facts about the Kipunji

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) scientists in southern Tanzania in 2003 discovered the kipunji, a large, forest-dwelling monkey. Initially, they assumed what they found was a mangabey, a monkey found only in Africa. Research revealed that it was a new and…
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Tree Profile of a Strawberry Tree

Strawberry tree is an evergreen shrub belonging to the family Ericaceae. It is also known as the ‘apple of cain’ and ‘cane apple’ tree, while it is scientifically known as Arbus unendo. The tree is native to the Mediterranean region,…
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Tree Profile Strawberry Tree

The strawberry tree, Arbutus unedo, is an evergreen that can be found in most of Southern United States and naturally in Ireland, some parts of the Mediterrean, and China.  Originally, it was exported from China but now can be grown…
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