
Guide to where Wild Anise Grows

Wild Anise is a perennial plant which is native to North America. Scientifically named Osmorhiza longistylis, it also goes by other common names such as Aniseroot, Longstyle Sweetroot and Sweet Cicely. The whole plant is aromatic, having a strong smell…
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Most of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced not by the rainforests but by tiny marine organisms.  Phytoplankton collectively form the main lungs of the planet, although their importance was only realised recently.  Phytoplankton are commonly known as algae…
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Fireweed is a plant in the willowherb family. Fireweed can grow in a variety of climates. The fireweed plant is often used to reestablish vegetation in areas that have been disrupted by oil spills. Fireweed is also known by the…
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Plant Profiles Pyramidal Orchid

Orchids are an incredibly divers and often brilliantly colored flowering plant. Orchids typically require the right conditions before they will grow and may spread sporadically or in large numbers across a good habitat. One interesting species of orchid is the…
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Sub Disciplines of Botany

The easiest part of understanding what is is that botanist do is this: they study plants! But there is so much more. There are 17 sub fields or specialties that will be briefly described in this article. Each one can…
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Plant Profiles Early Purple Orchid

Orchids are a very diverse and beautiful plant. Their flowers attract many people, especially the purple flowered orchids, and many reserves are set up for them to preserve their habitats. Each orchid requires certain conditions in which to grow may…
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