

The mosquito is a species that has changed very little since primitive times. It’s true that only female mosquitoes suck blood, but it is not their main food. Nectar from flowers is the main diet of this insect. Females suck…
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Honey Bees and Homing Senses

Studying the habits of bees, it seems, is hard work! Since scientists have found it extremely difficult to follow the bees, learning it’s homing ability has been a reach until recently. According to the New York Times, scientists have found…
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How Tigers Hunt

“Tyger Tyger burning brightIn the forests of the night…” So begins a well-known poem about one of nature’s most beautiful animals. The tiger (Panthera tigris) is easily recognizable by its striking fiery coat of orange, decorated with thin black stripes….
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Marsupials Kangaroos Koalas Australia

Marsupials, commonly known as pouch animals, have a slow metabolism which works well within the warm climates of Australia and South America. Some scientists believe this is the reasoning behind their living location. Of course, there are other locations on…
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How Animals are Classified

Taxonomic classification is the sorting out and the classifying of organisms. The world is full of these living things and it is necessary to group them according to their own kind. These classifications start from the largest down to the…
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The Origin of Tomatoes

Tomatoes are most closely associated with Italian cuisine, but the tomato itself did not originate in Italy. The story of its voyage from America to Europe, and back across the Atlantic to America, is so full of intrigue, adventure, and…
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Insect Profiles Damselfly

Often seen hovering over ponds, rivers and marshes, damselflies are the flickering jewels of the insect world. But don’t let their shimmering beauty fool you; among insects, they are dangerous predators, with large compound eyes that provide high visual acuity…
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