
Plant Profiles Kalanchoe

The pretty Kalanchoe is a succulent with vibrant flowers ranging from red to yellow with all shades in between. Kalanchoes belong to the Crassulaceae (stonecrop) family. Stonecrops are belong to the Sedum genus. There are around 125 species of Kalanchoe,…
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How Sharks use Math to Hunt

Humans aren’t the only creatures that use math in their daily lives. Unbelievably, sharks use math as well to hunt for prey. How is this possible? According to a report published June 9 in Nature, a behavior called the Lévy…
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Unexpectedly Deadly Animals

The animal kingdom is filled with dangerous creatures. The obvious ones are the predators – big cats, sharks, crocodilians – but there are other, more inconspicuous deadly animals. They may be small, cute, or otherwise appear completely harmless, but contain unsuspected deadly…
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What is a Mamey Sapote

The Mamey Sapote is a rare fruit species that deserves greater recognition than it has received to date. Pouteria sapota belongs to the family Sapotaceae. Other fruits in this family are the Caimito, the Sapodilla, the Canistel, the Abiu and the Miracle…
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