Pandas the Giant Cat Bear
The Giant Panda is familiar to us all – a black and white, bear-like animal, that eats bamboo and is famous for its sad place as one of the most endangered animals on the planet. There are in fact two…
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The Giant Panda is familiar to us all – a black and white, bear-like animal, that eats bamboo and is famous for its sad place as one of the most endangered animals on the planet. There are in fact two…
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The Flowering Dogwood is one of the most sought after native America trees for gardens and landscapes. Native to Eastern North America and known botanically as Cornus florida, the Flowering Dogwood produces a beautiful show in all four seasons. The Flowering…
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The Pacific Dogwood, also known as the Western Flowering Dogwood, is a beautiful tree that is native to the Pacific Northwest. Known botanically as Cornus nuttallii, it can be found in deciduous and mixed forests from Southern California all the…
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Armoracia Rusticana, more commonly known as horseradish, is the herb that bites back. It is that bite that kept this pungent herb from widespread use as a condiment until the last 200 to 300 years. Its medicinal use, however, dates…
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In the 20th century, centuries of research into biochemistry finally started to pay big dividends for humanity, with major inventions ranging from antibiotics to DEET, an organic compound which proved extraordinarily useful in repelling mosquitoes. Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly…
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“Bessey’s Cactus,” it sounds a lot like a type of desert cactus named after a milking cow. However, “Bessey’s Cactus” is, in fact, not a plant at all. It is a scientific diagram that depicts how angiosperms, or flowering plants, evolved…
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The flowering dogwood is a species of dogwood native to eastern North America. Areas of eastern North America where the flowering dogwood can be found thriving and growing include southern Maine, southern Ontario, eastern Kansas and south to northern Florida…
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Can you imagine living 150 to 200 years as the giant Galapagos tortoise. These are the largest tortoises in the world and they weigh up to 660 pounds and four feet in length. Originally there were thirteen subspecies of this…
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The Pacific Dogwood is a species of dogwood tree that is native to western North America from the beautiful lowlands of southern British Columbia to the enormous mountains of southern California. There is also a population of pacific dogwood trees…
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Morphing into animals is very possible. Think about it, a human has 50% the same DNA as that of a banana and 99% the same as a monkey. What’s left is less than 1% of ‘humaness’ that makes us all…
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