
Zoonotic Diseases Explained

There are many different infectious animal diseases, but not all of them are zoonoses or zoonotic diseases. What are zoonotic diseases? The World Health Organization (WHO) defines zoonotic diseases as “…disease(s) or infection(s) that (are) naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals…
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What are Lizards

Lizards are reptiles so they share many common reptile traits.They are cold-blooded (poikilothermic). They have scaly skin. Most have four pentadactyl limbs. Most lay hard shelled eggs. There are exceptions to every rule of course and there are both legless lizards and lizards…
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Amino Acid Metabolism Pathways

In the realm of biochemistry, ‘metabolism’ comprises two distinct sets of pathways: anabolism, or synthesis; and catabolism, or break down. In humans, twenty amino acids serve as the building blocks of all proteins. Amino acids consist of a central carbon…
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The Effects of Positive Eugenics on Society

What is positive Eugenics? Positive eugenics is the form of Eugenics, which promotes marriage and breeding between people considered “desirable”, and though a positive Eugenist may view certain persons as “undesirable”, they will not initiate in such practices as non-voluntary…
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