

Nature is like the human world: sex is a powerful drive.  Every flower, no matter how simple or elaborate, has one purpose: reproduction.  Unlike spore-bearing plants (mosses, ferns), flowering plants must recombine their genes and produce offspring different from the…
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Bacterial Conjugation and Genetics

In 1946, Joshua Lederberg and Edward Tatum published an article in the Journal of Bacteriology entitled “Gene Recombination in the Bacterium Escherichia coli”. This article not only described a new method of genetic transfer among bacteria, conjugation, it would also…
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Microbiology and Disease

Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, the smallest living creatures. There are many different varieties of these and some are beneficial in that they do good works for humanity and others are bad and cause disease. Among the many different…
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Biofilm Development

Bugs, germs, bacteria, micro-organisms – we think of them as dirty and dangerous, to be avoided, controlled, exterminated. But these are living creatures. They share a lot of DNA with us. They also share our needs for food, shelter and…
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How is Botanical Genetics Studied

The field of botanical genetics is booming with calls for more and more information about the ways in which plants pass on their characteristics, gather up nutrients that are important for human sustenance, maintain their defenses against predators and disease,…
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