
Late History of Germ Theory

Germ Theory is the concept that microorganisms can cause disease, and this theory is the foundation of modern medicine. Here is a summary of some key discoveries. The refutation of spontaneous generation was essential in the development of Germ Theory;…
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Early Discoveries of Immunology

Some of the early discoveries that led to today’s vaccines happened almost by chance. The astute observations of Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur were the foundation of modern immunology. * Edward Jenner and the First Vaccine (1790s) * Edward Jenner’s…
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Early History of Germ Theory

Germ Theory is the concept that microorganisms can cause disease, and this theory is the foundation of modern medicine. Here is a summary of some key discoveries. Key to the development of Germ Theory, and the understanding of infectious disease,…
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Sociobiology Aggression among Modern Humans

Sociobiology: Aggression Among Modern Humans The following will offer a sociobiological analysis of an article published by LiveScience entitled “The Evolution of Human Aggression.” It was written by writer/anthropologist Heather Whipps. Rather than simply present a summary of the article,…
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Primordial Soup Theory

We know that the earth is full of life. What is difficult to say is how that life began on earth billions of years ago. There are a number of theories with no proof of anything specific. One such theory…
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