

Sociobiology is the “systematic study of the biological basis of all forms of social behaviour including sexual and parental behaviour, in all kinds of organisms, including humans”1. It stems from earlier evolutionary theories such as Darwinism. This theory has been…
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Psilotum Information

Psilotum, more commonly known as whisk ferns due to the nature of their appearance and their use in the making of brooms in the past, is a genus of fern-like vascular plants. This “vascular” description implies that the plants that…
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Who was Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur is recognized  around the world as the man whose discoveries have most affected the practice of medicine. He discovered and identified many germs which cause disease.  He invented the process of pasteurization, and developed vaccines for tetanus, tuberculosis,…
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Why Evolution is Greatest Discovery

“There must be something special, which causes dogs to howl in the moonlight, in that remarkable and melancholy manner called baying.”  (Charles Darwin) For many people, Charles Darwin represents the beginning of the end of their comfortable notions of reality. …
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Biography of Charles Darwin

Darwin’s Origin of Species was published on November 24, 1859. In his work, whose full title is On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, Darwin theorized that organisms gradually – gradually as in thousands or even millions of…
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