
Plant Profile Cocklebur

Native to the America’s Western Hemisphere and Eastern Asia’ s Northern Hemisphere, the Cockleburs are a genus of flowering plant in the Asteraceae family. They have leaves and stems that die at the end of the growing season but before…
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Pretty but Poisonous Plants

Many people know what happens when one comes into contact with poison ivy or poison oak – the affected skin areas become acutely inflamed. In the early stages of the inflammation, tiny blisters densely cover the intensely itching and swollen…
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Ladys Bedstraw and the Myth behind it

Lady’s Bedstraw is a flowering perennial which is popular in Europe but has been transplanted around the world.  It grows requiring little care and has many uses other than just as an attractive leafy green flowering plant with yellow leaves.  It’s full…
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Lemon Tree Facts

Tree Profile: The Lemon Tree The lemon tree (Latin name Citrus Limon) is one of the most popular citrus trees that can be grown indoors or outside. The exact origins of the lemon tree are unknown but it is believed…
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