
How do Venus Flytraps Work

Everyone has heard the stories, or maybe even seen footage of it.  An unsuspecting fly goes off looking for some sweet nectar to get its grubby little feelers on.  The fly spots the source of some juicy nectar and lands…
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Plant Profiles Allocasuarina

The she-oaks (genera Casuarina and Allocasuarina) may not be particularly spectacular but they have their place in the Australian landscape. Because of the needle-like leaves they have the appearance of a conifer with attractive vertical lines. The she-oak family has…
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Plant Profiles Callistemon

Callistemons are endemic to Australia.  The genus has around 30 species – all highly ornamental, evergreen shrubs and small trees. They belong to the myrtle family (Myrtaceae). Because of the fascination of the home gardener with this striking genus, there…
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Plant Profiles Casuarinas

The she-oak family has the scientific name of Casuarinaceae. In 1982, the Casuarina genus was divided into four. The true Casuarina now has about 17 species, six of which are confined to Australia. She-oaks are tough and hardy. The genus…
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Trees of Australia Mountain Ash

Eucalyptus regnans has several common names including Mountain Ash, Stringy Gum, Victorian Ash, Swamp Gum and Tasmanian Oak. Builders, furniture makers and architects all hold the mountain ash in high esteem. It is one of the tallest tree species in…
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Fish Profile Red Bellied Piranha

Red-bellied piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) has a characteristic red-belly. The other colors on its body vary though it is generally grey in appearance. This fish has a reputation for aggression with its sharp teeth. It is around thirteen inches in length….
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Flowers Colors Meaning

The meanings behind flower colors stem largely from the Victorian era. The Victorians had a fascination with secret meanings and messages. The sending of flowers was one way for gentlemen and ladies to communicate and the flower type,color and even…
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