
What are Deuterostomes

Echinoderms are starfish, brittle stars, sea cucumbers and sea urchins. Chordates are fish and birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals. What is there to compare? What do they have in common? Surprisingly, echinoderms may in fact be the chordates’ closest invertebrate…
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Biological Success of Insects

Biological success, as measured in terms of Darwinian fitness, refers to the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce successfully. Differential reproductive success is the key to a species’ evolution over time. Individuals with the most favorable traits in…
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Common Virus Diseases of Plants

Viruses comprise one of the groups of causative agents of plant infections, the others being fungi, bacteria, some parasitic higher plants, and nematodes. Plant viruses, other than those few that may cause disease in both the insect vectors and the…
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Western Red Cedar

The Western Red cedar is one of the most well known trees of the pacific northwest region of North America.  Known botanically as Thuja plicata, it is not actually a true cedar but a member of the Cypress family that…
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