
What are Jacanas

Jacanas or lotus birds are distributed widely across the southern hemisphere.  They are classified as part of the Charadriiformes, with plovers and lapwings, by some taxonomists, while others consider them to be different enough to deserve their own order.  There…
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What are Fleas

Fleas don’t have a very good image to the general public.  They are associated with dogs, rats, unclean conditions and disease.  But one has to admit that they are amazing little survivors.  They have adapted themselves to an ectoparasitic lifestyle…
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What are Bugs

Nothing annoys an entomologist as much as hearing insects called bugs.  Only one order of insects deserves this name:  the Hemiptera.  Hemiptera means half-winged and in true bugs, the front halves of the forward pair of wings are usually sclerotised or hardened. …
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What are Springtails Collembola

Springtails are small, soil-dwelling animals that look and act like insects but which some scientists separate from the true insects.  Springtails have six legs and are therefore classed in the superclass Hexapoda.  They used to be an order of the…
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What do Lice look like

Parasitic lice are divided into two major groups according to their method of feeding.  Here, we are dealing with the chewing lice.  Some authorities consider them a full order, the Mallophaga, while others call the Mallophaga a suborder of the…
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How Mammals Hibernate

The animal most people first think of when the topic of hibernation comes up is the bear, but there is no species of bear that technically hibernates. Hibernation, also called winter dormancy, is defined as a period of deep torpor;…
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