
Tree Profile London Plane

Platanus is a genus comprising a small number of tree species native to the Northern Hemisphere, commonly called Planes! Members of the Platanus species are tall trees, reaching 30 to 50 meters in height. Tall and thin they tolerate severe…
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Plant Profiles Hobblebush

The Hobblebush is a perennial shrub from the family Caprifoliaceae. It is sometimes called Witch hobble or Moosewood. The scientific classification is Viburnum lantanoides. This shrub grows to an impressive six to twelve feet in height. The pendulous (loosely hanging or…
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Plant Profile Australian Saltbush

There are over 300 species in the Atriplex genus which forms part of the goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae) family. Around 50 of the species are found in Australia. The plants are multi-branched and includes shrubs, annuals and perennials. The leaves are fleshy…
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Plant Profiles Sword Fern

The western sword fern, or the Polystichum munitum, is considered to be the king of all the northwest ferns. This fern does well in almost any conditions, but will thrive in certain specific ones. It will fit in with most plantings…
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What are Bugs

Cicadas and aphids are bugs.  The bugs were for years classified in the order Hemiptera, which means half-wings, and from there into two suborders:  Homoptera and Heteroptera.  In recent years, some taxonomists have elevated the two suborders to the status of full…
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