
Non Human Language

Among gorillas, as with all primate species, language skills are a learned rather than an instinctive behaviour. While only humans (Homo sapiens sapiens), out of the currently extant primate species, have evolved the vocal cords and voice box that enables…
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Tree Profiles Noble Fir

The Noble Fir is one of the most beautiful conifers of the Pacific Northwest.  Known botanically as Abies procera, it is native to the Cascade Mountain range and can be found in Washington, Oregon and northern California.  It grows in…
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Plants that Attract Birds

Grevilleas are sometimes known as spider flowers due to the flower form of some of the species. The genus Grevillea are over 300 species and belongs to the protea family (Proteaceae). Most are endemic to Australia with some occurring in…
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How You May Benefit From Hemp Seed and Hemp Food Nutrition Hemp seed is the basis to legal, non-drug hemp foods around the world. Hemp foods include ice-cream, non-dairy milk, snack bars, pasta, sauces and more. It’s nutritional content is…
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Plant Profiles Correa

Correas are Australian native plants which belong to the rue family (Rutaceae). They are evergreen shrubs and grow in temperate regions. The name ‘Correa’ was given to the species by Sir Joseph Banks in honour of his friend, Jose Francesco…
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