
Dudleya Plant Profile

Dudleya is a rare plant. It is also known by the common name Santa Barbara Island liveforever. The scientific classification is Dudleya traskiae.The Dudleya grows on the Santa Barbara Island on rocky bluffs. Santa Barbara Island is one of the…
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Plant Profiles Hibbertia

The Hibbertia genus belongs to the Dilleniaceae family and consists of some 120 species of small evergreen shrubs and climbers. Most of these species are native to Australia. They are often called by the common name of ‘Guinea Flower’. Members…
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Plant Profiles Calytrix

The calytrix genus is endemic to Australia and has around 75 species. Most species are found in the southern areas of Western Australia but some are distributed throughout the continent. Calytrix belongs to the Myrtaceae family (myrtles). Calytrix bushes are…
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Fire Pink Plant Profile

The Fire Pink is a herbaceous plant. It is also a perennial and can grow up to sixty five centimeters or twenty six inches tall. The scientific classification for this plant is Silene virginica. It has also been called the Catch…
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Plant Profiles Darwinia

Darwinia is a genus of small to medium evergreen shrubs. They are endemic to Australia with most of the 45 or so species coming from Western Australia. Darwinias belong to the myrtle family (Myrtaceae). The leaves are small and marked…
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