
Showy Orchis Plant

The Showy Orchis is a plant that blooms from April through May. It is a member of the Orchidaceae (orchid) family. The scientific name is Orchis spectabilis. It is traditional for botanical writers to call this plant and others from this…
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Tigers Hunting for Dinner

Tigers are great hunters.They stalk, they wade noiselessly through tall grasses and wait patiently for their prey to make an entrance. When their potential meal gets within close range, they jump out and overpower them with their mighty claws. Then…
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Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders, belonging to the family Lycosidae are one of the most common types of hunting spider in the world today, being found on every inhabited continent. They are also misunderstood by many people, who might be frightened of their…
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Sea Rocket Plant

The Sea Rocket’s scientific name is Cakile edentula lacustris. This plant grows above the high tide line on sandy beach areas. It has fleshy leaves and stems. It is in the mustard or Brassicaceae family. It can grow from six…
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