
Fairy Slipper Plants

The Fairy Slipper or the Calypso Orchid is a perennial member of the orchid Family. It is also sometimes known as Venus’ slipper. It can be found in northern and montane forests, (highland areas above the sub-alpine zone). It grows best…
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Creeping Cucumber Plant Profiles

The Creeping cucumber is from the vine family Cucurbitaceae. It is also known by the name Guadeloupe cucumber and has several scientific names including Melothria nashii, Melothria nigra, Melothria guadalupensis, Melothria microcarpa, Melothria fluminenses, and Melothria edulis among others. The…
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Plant Profiles Lambertia

Lambertia plants are highly attractive to birds both for the nectar the flowers provide and as potential nesting sites. It is a small genus of some ten species, nine of which are endemic to Western Australia and one native to…
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Tufted Evening Primrose Plant Profile

The Tufted evening primrose is a perennial plant. The scientific name is Oenothera caespitosa Nutt. The Oenothera family has many species that bloom in the evening just as the name implies. Alternate common names include Evening primrose, Fragrant Evening Primrose,Rock Rose Evening…
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Arctic Gentian Plant Profiles

The Arctic Gentian is part of the Gentianaceae (Gentian)  family. This plant family has over four hundred species of herbaceous perennials. The Arctic Gentian is a relative of the Mountain Gentian. Gentianodes algida is the scientific classification of this plant. It is…
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Starflower Plant Profile

The Starflower or the Trientalis borealis is considered a North American woodland perennial. This plant can group up to nine inches tall. It is in the family Myrsinaceae or prim rose family.  The flowers are small and as the names suggests…
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Plant Profiles Dampiera

The Australian native plant, Dampiera, is endemic to Australia. It gets its name from the British explorer, William Dampier (1652-1715), who sailed to Australia during the 17th century. There are over 60 species of Dampiera which belong to the Goodeniaceae…
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Plant Profiles Leschenaultia

The stunning blue leschenaultia is well-known to most Western Australians. It is found on roadsides and in bush areas throughout the south west regions of the state. The Leschenaultia genus (sometimes spelt Lechenaultia) comprises about 26 species. It is an…
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