
What is a Short Faced Bear

Agriotherium is the name of an extinct genus of bears, known as the giant short-faced bears of the family Ursidae.  They occur first in Miocene Era deposits estimated to be about 13 million years old.  Most appear about five million years…
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How did Land Animals Evolve

The origin of all animals can be traced to the understanding of how a single celled organism, develops into a multiple celled organism.  Using the simple concept that an environmental mutation of such an organism, when beneficial,  will survive and…
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What are Hymenoptera

Hymenoptera are everywhere.  If you want to escape them, you will have to go to Antarctica.  They are not only ubiquitous, they are highly diverse in lifestyles even though they are specialised in body form.  What are they?  All the…
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How do Sheep Behave

People often make fun of the behavior of sheep following each other to refer to people who follow their leaders blindly as “sheep”. However this, and other, behaviors have kept the species existing for thousands of years and should not…
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Archaeolemur is a genus of two species of lemur that became extinct around 1,100 to 900 years ago. With fossils found copiously in present-day Madagascar, the archaeolemur was a quadruped lemur adaptation that divided its time between the ground and…
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