
Creeping Cucumber Plant Profiles

The Creeping cucumber is from the vine family Cucurbitaceae. It is also known by the name Guadeloupe cucumber and has several scientific names including Melothria nashii, Melothria nigra, Melothria guadalupensis, Melothria microcarpa, Melothria fluminenses, and Melothria edulis among others. The…
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Fairy Slipper Plants

The Fairy Slipper or the Calypso Orchid is a perennial member of the orchid Family. It is also sometimes known as Venus’ slipper. It can be found in northern and montane forests, (highland areas above the sub-alpine zone). It grows best…
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How Spiders Eat

When most people think of spiders and how they eat, they picture an orb shaped web with a housefly stuck fast, and a spider lurking in the middle ready to devour it. However there are actually a great range of…
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