
How to Make Lab Drawings

Making accurate and detailed drawings of the specimens you observe in the laboratory is a necessary part of any course in botany or biology. Every student of botany should have a lab book that will generally consist of a number…
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Botany the Life Cycle of a Fern

Ferns are simple plants, but they have somewhat complicated life cycles. In the scientific language of botany, the life cycle of a fern is described as the alternation of the sporophyte and the gametophyte. Relatively primitive plants, ferns take two…
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Plant Profiles Gay Wings

Gay Wings, or Fringed Milkwort, is a small trailing plant with purple flowers. The Latin name is Polygala paucifolia.  Plants are typically 3 to 4 inches tall and flower in April and May, sometimes through to July. The stem is…
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Giant Hogweed Plant Profiles

The Giant Hogweed is considered a noxious weed. Its scientific name is Heracleum mantegazzianum. It lives in Washington State. It is considered noxious because of its potential to take over other plant life and negatively impact the state of Washington’s…
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Plant Profiles Fringed Pink

The Fringed Pink (Dianthus superbus) is an indigenous herbaceous European perennial. The plant itself is highly attractive. The plant foliage consists of long narrow leaves that are a combination of grey and green with the odd hint of blue. The…
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Plant Profiles Waratah

The Telopea genus has only five species. It is part of the protea (Proteaceae) family and is endemic to the south-eastern region of Australia. Its main claim to fame is the spectacular flower-heads which are generally a brilliant red, producing…
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