
Twinflower Plant Profiles

The twinflower is from the Honeysuckle family. The scientific classification for this plant is Linnaea borealis. It is a woodland subshrub. The stems are prostrate, pubescent and slender. They grow from twenty to forty centimeters long and have evergreen, rounded…
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Plant Profile Filaree

Filaree covers a species of low growing winter annual that is common in parts of the United States. They are considered to be an annual and are sometimes biannual. Filaree are a broad-leaf plant. The Whitestem Filaree can be found…
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Southern Cattail

The Southern cattail is a tall perennial that grows in marshy areas. It can grow up to 10 feet tall in some places. The female spike of the cattail grows from 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide. The leaves are yellowish green in…
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Pitcher Plant

Pitcher plants can be found in bogs and fens where nutrient concentrations in the soil is low, but water and sunshine are seasonally abundant. This is a rather bold practice, as most plants need to absorb nitrogen from soil, but…
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