
What are Horseflies

March flies: in the Northern Hemisphere they show up in spring so they get this name. Deer flies and horse flies: these names come from some of their favorite targets. All belong to the dipteran family Tabanidae. Deer flies belong…
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All about Hibernation

Why do animals hibernate in winter? They hibernate to conserve energy and resources during a time when both are difficult to find. It would be a better question of how do animals hibernate, why do not more animals hibernate, or…
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Llamas Diet

Llamas are interesting animals used as pack animals in the Andes and other areas throughout South America. They are a camelid, a type of even toed mammal that goes along the lines of the family of camels, some cattle, pigs,…
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Habitat and Range of the Kipunji

The Kipunji is native to Tanzania and can be found living in the Rungwe-Livingstone forest and the Ndundulu forest. Its living range spans 70 square kilometers in the Rungwe-Livingstone forest and about three square kilometers in the Ndundulu forest. Habitat…
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