
Plant Profiles Ladys Mantle

Lady’s mantle is an absolutely fantastic plant for a partially shady border. It can also make a great ground cover. Lady’s mantle (Achemilla mollis) was used during the Middle Ages as a medicinal herb. Today, however, it is used as…
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Lily Family

The lily family is a family of monocotyledons (one of two major groups of flowering plants). They have one seed leaf. Most lilies have parallel veins but some of them have net venation (the veins in the leaf) and flowers that…
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Best way to Identify Trees

Plants generally fall under three categories:  trees, shrubs and herbs.  It is easy to distinguish herbs as those plants which are generally small and without any firm support or woody stem.  On the other hand, shrubs have a woody stem,…
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Nutrients Plants

Most people understand that plants, being the wondrous organisms that they are, make sucrose from water and carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and that oxygen is released as a bi-product. Yet, for many functions at different stages in the life cycle…
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Plant Profiles White Top Sedge

“White-top sedge” can refer to either of two similar sedges that grow commonly in marshes, pine woods, and savannahs of the southeastern United States. They were once both referred to by the scientific name dichromena colorata, but now each is…
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Flowers and Pollinators

The aim of flowers is sex, plants invest a huge proportion of their energy into producing flowers to ensure that pollen is passed from the male part (anthers) to the female receptive part (stigma) either to the same floer, another flower on…
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Ohio Spiderwort Information

Tradescantia ohiensis, more commonly known as Ohio Spiderwort, is a wildflower native to the eastern half of the United States.  While common in some states, it is listed as endangered in the state of Pennsylvania.  A hardy plant better able…
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