November 27, 2014
Horsehair worms are generally seen writhing around and tying themselves up in knots in puddles of water after a rain. Occasionally one will find a spider or insect with a big, nasty-looking worm hanging out of it – this too…
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November 27, 2014
Scientists and behaviorists have examined how baby monkeys learn in order to determine how human children learn. Baby monkeys and human babies are very similar. Monkeys, like people, are born with only a few basic instincts, such as knowing which…
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November 27, 2014
Branchiopods are a subclass of the Class Crustacea, that branch of the Arthropods that have mandibles and live in the water. Branchiopods are one of the most primitive groups of crustaceans and first show up in the fossil record back…
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November 27, 2014
Entoprocts are small marine or aquatic creatures that superficially resemble little sea anenomes or hydroids, with a crown of tentacles, and a short vase-shaped body with a stalk that holds the animal to its substrate. They are usually found in…
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November 27, 2014
Gastrotrichs are members of a very small phylum of worm-like animals. They are microscopic in size but relatively common in freshwater environments and sandy beaches. There are about 400 described species worldwide. The freshwater species plus a few marine types…
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November 27, 2014
Pentastomes are also known as tongue worms because their shape is reminiscent of a vertebrate tongue. They are all respiratory parasites of vertebrates with larval forms infecting intermediate hosts such as arthropods and vertebrates. There are about a hundred species…
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November 27, 2014
Rotifers are pretty animals, transparent with one or two red eye spots and dancing about on two toes like ballerinas, with a crown of cilia that twirl as they dance. Don’t be fooled though, as they are actually fierce little…
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November 27, 2014
Black widow spiders are one of the most feared and dangerous species in the world, for the simple fact that they have a potent and toxic venom and that they are often found in the same areas that people inhabit….
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November 26, 2014
The camel spider has achieved a degree of notoriety in recent times due to several pictures of it making their way into the national press. However in actual fact this misunderstood arachnid is not even a spider at all, and…
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November 26, 2014
Swamp lilies are just one of the large family of Amaryllidaceael or the lily family that includes over 180 species. They are also called by the names Mangrove lily, swamp lily and river lily. This fragrant flower grows very well…
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